Your Library
Important information for students in the first semester
Numerous media are available in the university library. Of course, this also includes e-books and other electronic resources. If you need help, please feel free to contact us.
Before you start
Research, information and help
We are always there for you during opening hours in the library. At the same time, however, you have the opportunity to use our service online anytime and anywhere.
Our homepage is an "instruction manual" for the university library and the ideal starting point for your literature search. It accompanies you during your studies with many research options, e-media, important information and assistance.
- Information: Lending conditions, fee schedule, opening times, contact
- Research: Important search entries, information on research, catalogues, e-media
- Accounts: Access to your accounts with library number or HS account
Please note: Not all parts of the website are translated to english! Use the german version for the complete content.
If you have any questions or literature requests, you can contact us directly via the web form, we will process your request quickly.
We also have a course room in Moodle, which provides our extensive range of training courses and many other great materials for university members. Here you will also find the Bibo basics for the library introduction.
Your Lending Account
The university card is your library card.
With the library number (barcode) you log in to the lending account online or use our lending machines in the library.
Please also have your library number ready for telephone information.
Feel free to visit us in the library. We will show you the premises, help with borrowing and answer your questions personally.
Searching literature
Listing of our media

Please note that part of our holdings will be rearranged according to the RVK system (sorting A-Z). The majority of our media are still on the shelf with a GHB signature (grading 01-100).
You can use the following options for the literature search.
- Library catalogue: Finding books in the library
- Discovery Service: Thematic Search IN Books and Journals
- Databases: Extensive literature research in books and journals
- EZB: Search for full-text journals by title or ISSN and read licence information
Please note the training offered in our Moodle course room.
Access to digital media
Our e-media are activated in the university network, with your own device you only need our WLAN (Eduroam) on site.
Find out about the external access options with VPN and Shibboleth on our website, so you can use the e-media anywhere. Ask us for more information at the library desk!