Administration Fees at the University Library

Appendix 2 of the statute regarding the collection of fees at UAS Neubrandenburg from 04/09/2017

Fee for overdue reminders per reminder and registered item (per book)  
1st Overdue reminder (after 14 days) €1,50
2nd Overdue reminder (after 14 days) €3,00 extra
3rd Overdue reminder (after 14 days) €4,50 extra
4. Overdue reminder (special overdue reminder) €46,00
5. Enforcement 200,00€
Replacement of a User ID Card or a book storage medium due to loss or damage €5,00
Replacement for lost or damaged media, incl. costs for cataloguing, per medium (the user must also cover the costs of the replacement copy or deliver an exact replacement copy) €30,00
National interlibrary loans² €1,50
International interlibrary loans €2,50


In accordance with Directive 2006/123/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of the 12th December 2006 on services in the internal market (OJ L 376, 27.12.2006, p. 36) the administrative fee may not exceed the costs that were actually incurred.


Interlibrary loans that were placed by non-members of Hochschule Neubrandenburg: University of Applied Sciences for media at other libraries must be charged to the user in accordance with the Leihverkehrsordnung (interlibrary loans regulations). No fees will be charged for interlibrary loan orders placed by lecturers, staff members or students at UAS Neubrandenburg.