Research Projects

Patients, healthcare providers, and insurers face complex and far-reaching decisions when choosing alternative medical interventions. Various criteria, such as reducing the burden of illness, improving quality of life, assessing risks and side effects, and extending lifespan, play a crucial role in deciding whether to opt for or against specific interventions. In this context, innovative approaches in prevention, diagnosis, therapy, and rehabilitation will prevail, establishing new forms of healthcare delivery.

The Professorship of Health Economics and Health Care Management focuses on research projects in healthcare system research, healthcare provision, and evaluation research in order to provide scientifically sound contributions to the evolving healthcare system.


Research Projects


Evidence-based robot assistance in neurorehabilitation.

Cooperation (Network partners): University Greifswald, University Medicine Greifswald, University Rostock

Funded by: European Social Fund and Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of the State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern


Value Assessment Frameworks in Onkology.

Funded by: MSD Sharp & Dohme


Using Discrete Choice Experiments to Identify HIV Testing Preferences in Tanzania.

Cooperation: Center for Health Policy and Inequalitties Research, Duke Global Health Institute, Duke University

Funded by: NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Award (R21)


Prioritization in the treatment of Acute Coronary Syndrome - Weighting of patient-relevant endpoints.

Cooperation: Gesellschaft für empirische Beratung mbH

Funded by: AstraZeneca GmbH


Feasibility  of  Discrete-Choice  Experiments  to determine preferences  for alternative HIV testing options in the Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania.

Cooperation: Center for Health Policy and Inequalitties Research, Duke Global Health Institute, Duke University, RTI International, Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre

Funded by: Duke CFAR Small Innovative Grant Program


Assessing Value in Health Care Delivery Systems: Use of Discrete Choice Experiments to Elicit Patient Preferences.

Cooperation: Duke Clinical Research Institute

Funded by: The Commonwealth Fund, New York, United States


Pilot Study Conjoint Analysis: Measurement of patient-relevant endpoints in the treatment of chronic Hepatitis C.

Cooperation: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Funded by: Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG)


International Research Project on Financing Quality in Healthcare (InterQuality).

Cooperation: Medizinische Hochschule Hannover (MHH),

Community project: Polen, Deutschland, Dänemark, Italien, USA, Großbritannien, Belgien

Funded by: Europäische Union - Seventh Framework Program


Patient Preferences for the Treatment of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.

Cooperation: RTI International, Raleigh, North Carolina, United States

Funded by: Lilly Germany GmbH


Patient Preferences in Coordinated Care.

Cooperation: Gesellschaft für empirische Beratung mbH

Funded by: Berlin Chemie AG


Documentation and Evaluation of Patient Preferences: A Discrete-Choice Experiment with Patients with HIV.

Cooperation: Gesellschaft für empirische Beratung mbH

Funded by: Janssen-Cilag GmbH


Statement on the Report of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians: "The Needs Planning of the Outpatient Sector in Germany and the Necessity of its Further Development.".

Cooperation: ASK Health Research

Funded by: GKV-Spitzenverband


Preference Analysis in Rehabilitation: Preferences of Obese Patients for Sustainable Weight Loss in Rehabilitation.

Funded by: Association for the Promotion of Rehabilitation Research in Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, and Schleswig-Holstein e. V. (vffr), German Pension Insurance North (DRV Nord)


Medical Technology Study: Identification of Innovation Barriers in Medical Technology.

Cooperation: VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH

Funded by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)


Documentation and Evaluation of Patient Preferences: A Discrete-Choice Experiment with Patients with ADHD (Children).

Cooperation: Gesellschaft für empirische Beratung mbH

Funded by: Janssen-Cilag GmbH


Documentation and Evaluation of Patient Preferences: A Discrete-Choice Experiment with Patients with ADHD (Adults).

Cooperation: Gesellschaft für empirische Beratung mbH

Funded by: Janssen-Cilag GmbH


Controlling in Rehabilitation: Modeling and Calculation of Performance Processes for the Assessment and Evaluation of Case Costs in Rehabilitation.

Internal research project: University of Applied Sciences Neubrandenburg, Germany


Competence Development and Qualification in the Healthcare Industry in Brandenburg.

Cooperation: Gesellschaft für Innovationsforschung und Beratung (GIB mbH Berlin), Center for Innovative Health Technologies (ZIG) at the TU Berlin

Funded by: LASA Brandenburg GmbH, European Social Fund and the State of Brandenburg


Scientific Monitoring and Evaluation of Medical Care with Classical Homeopathy within a Test Regulation According to §§ 63 et seq. of the German Social Code V (SGB V).

Funded by: IKK Mecklenburg-Vorpommern


Documentation and Evaluation of Patient Preferences: A Discrete-Choice Experiment with Multiple Myeloma Patients versus Experts.

Cooperation: Gesellschaft für empirische Beratung mbH

Funded by: Janssen-Cilag GmbH


Market Analysis: eHealth and RFID in Health Care - Opportunities and Risks in the Healthcare Market.

Funded by: SAP Germany


Evaluation of Supply Contracts According to §§ 140 a-d of the German Social Code V (SGB V): Inventory and Empirical Survey.

Cooperation: Berliner Center Public Health (BZPH), Gesellschaft für empirische Beratung mbH 

Cybernetic Model of the Healthcare Market, Simulation of Health Policy Measures (Simulation using the software developed by Frederick Vester).

Cooperation: Fricke & Pirck GmbH, IMS Health Group, Nürnberg

Health Economic Evaluation Based on Risk-Profile Using Risk-Structured Adjustment Approach: An Approach for Evaluating Health Science Innovations While Considering Population Structure Differences in Rural Regions.

Cooperation: ASK Health Research, Gesellschaft für empirische Beratung mbH


The SOEP Version of the SF-12: Calculation of Subscales and Summative Scales, and Exemplary Description of Usage Scenarios for Health Economic Analyses.

Cooperation: ASK Health Research

Funded by: German Institute for Economic Research Berlin (DIW Berlin)


Patient Preferences and Patient-Reported Outcomes: An Innovative Approach in the Evaluation of Healthcare Goods.

Funded by: Lilly Deutschland GmbH


Development of a Preference-Based Concept for Assessing the Utility of Healthcare Goods (Patient Preferences in Health Care Decision Making, PAP/HCDM).


Evaluation of Prevention and Rehabilitation Using Quality of Life Measures, Adjustment, and Validation of Instruments.

Funded by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)