Prof. Dr. Peter Dehne
Nature Conservation and Land Use Panning, Landscape Architecture - Planning Law/Building Law
I have been a professor at the University of Applied Sciences Neubrandenburg since the end of 1997. Before that, after studying urban and regional planning and the traineeship of urban development, I was an employee of Prof. Dr. Rudolf Schäfer in the research group Stadt + Dorf, Berlin, for ten years. I teach nature conservation and planning law, urban planning and regional development in the course of studies for nature conservation and land use planning. My research activities are always practice-oriented, characterized by mutual learning processes and closely linked to political consulting. We have accompanied many experimental model projects of spatial planning and urban development in Berlin and Neubrandenburg. Topics were and are, among others, the demographic change, the reorganization of the provision of public services of general interest as well as the cooperative development of villages, small towns and regions. It is always about rural areas. My seminars, study projects and excursions are closely linked to research projects and "learning on the spot". Students learn from practical tasks in villages and small towns and give back their ideas tot he locals. This is what the idea of the so-called UniDorf stands for, among other things.
![[Translate to English:] Portrait Peter Dehne](/storages/hs-neubrandenburg/_processed_/6/9/csm_PD_2022_2_439657fc3e.jpg)